I’m Sangho, a Product Designer & Design System Advocate based in San Francisco Bay Area. I was at Oracle and ServiceNow, and am currently working at Coupang.
Digital Experience, 2020 - 2021
Arc Design System
Build a design system independently for digital design and platform, reflecting a new design language of the brand team and covering use cases for the ServiceNow.com experience.
Brand EXPERIENCE, 2020
A first project to apply a brand new design since Oracle defined a new design language named Redwood Design. Introduced a new interaction model and visual design.
Oracle Design, 2018 - 2019
Redwood Design
A project that discovers a new design language that covers the company beyond product and brand design. Bring the modern age and culture into the over a decade of Oracle Design.
Cloud Platform, 2017
Alta UI System
The Oracle Alta UI is used to design and develop innovative applications for modern browsers, devices and systems, including Oracle Cloud products.
Cloud Platform, 2015 - 2017
Oracle Openworld
A design of the demo product and solution for the Oracle OpenWorld that is an annual convention for business decision-makers and end-users.